Posts in Category: England
The Tower of London – The Key to English History
It’s February and it’s cold, but its London, so who cares? I’m off with my adult daughter Lenore to visit the Tower of London. She’s never been there before and even though I have, there’s definitely a tingle of excitement that I always get on visiting a place that is so steeped in history. In fact […]
London Pass Review – See London Attractions
This is a short post on the pros and cons of purchasing a London Pass when you visit one of the world’s greatest cities. Samuel Johnson, probably the most famous Londonophile opined that ” When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” and I think he was right. The sheer number of […]
The Beatles – Song by Song on the First Album from the Liverpool Lads
This is a bit of a change in direction for a travel blog, but I haven’t signed a contract with anyone to write only about my ongoing journeys – after all, the oldest cliche is that ‘life is a journey’, so what the hell, let’s meet The Beatles. I am among the many millions of […]