Germany Archives - The Maritime Explorer

Category: Germany

Posts in Category: Germany

Showing 1-3 of 3 photo galleries
  • View across Inneraltse
    • 8.2.2014
    • 1,280


    I first visited Hamburg over a decade ago on business and was blown away by the sheer efficiency of this city – everything works! It has a beautiful location with water seemingly everywhere, with the Elbe River on one side and the Alster lakes on the other with canals linking the two. There are numerous distinct areas […]

  • Even more Musicians of Bremen
    • 1.2.2014
    • 1,210


    For a few years I made regular trips to Hamburg to meet with some clients (and friends) who lived there. On the last visit we flew to London and took the Chunnel to Brussels where we stayed for three days and then took the train to Bremen for a one day stay. While the weather […]

  • Rhine River from Cathedral
    • 1.2.2014
    • 1,260


    I visited Cologne as a boy with my grandparents and never forgot the overpowering immensity of its great Gothic cathedral. Recently, due to the vagaries of traveling on points I found myself at Dusseldorf airport with a long layover before heading on to Rome. Not wanting to waste the day I took the train to […]