Posts in Category: Manitoba
The Forks – Winnipeg’s Kick Ass Destination
I used to live in Winnipeg – the key words being ‘used to’. Frankly, I couldn’t wait to get out of the place when I moved to Nova Scotia to attend law school and that’s where I’ve remained ever since. However, I still have family and friends in Winnipeg and have returned many times over […]
Winnipeg – An Early Morning Walking Tour and History Lesson
When I’m travelling I always try to get up at first light to see if there is going to a ‘magic hour’. This is the brief period of time in the very early morning and late dusk that creates the best light conditions for photographs. It took three days, but on the third morning in […]
Winnipeg Mint – Well Worth a Visit While in the Winnipeg Area
In a previous post I described how important and influential the city of Winnipeg was to my upbringing and yet ultimately how and why I made the decision to leave her. Initially I returned to The Pas to work for the CN as first an operator/crew clerk and then in my dream job as a […]
Canadian Museum for Human Rights will Transform Winnipeg
The Canadian Museum for Human Rights will open in Winnipeg this September and I believe it will entirely transform the city in the same manner that the Guggenheim Bilbao has transformed that northern Spanish city; so first a little history of Bilbao and how it is changing from a cultural backwater to a must see […]
Winnipeg Manitoba – How My Affair with this Prairie City Began
My affair with Winnipeg Manitoba began innocently enough; I was an eleven year old boy with an overbite so pronounced I could have been a stand-in for Beaver Cleaver. At a time when orthodontics were unknown in northern Manitoba my parents deemed it necessary to have this situation corrected and how they found the name […]