Photo Galleries Archive - Page 4 of 6 - The Maritime Explorer

Sunday, April 2nd, 2017

This is a gallery I put together of Kenyan wildlife photos taken on a recent Adventures Abroad trip to that country. It includes photographs from Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Lake Nakuru National Park, Masai Mara Reserve and Nairobi National Park. I hope this inspires the reader to go ‘on safari’.

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Dale Dunlop
Dale Dunlop The Maritime Explorer
Showing 28-36 of 52 photo galleries
  • Gaspe winter scene
    • 8.2.2014
    • 1,571

    Gaspe – Winter 2012

    We planned to travel to Forillon National Park  and stay in a yurt which we would use as a base to cross-country ski the area. Unfortunately Alison took ill and we had to be head home before doing that. However, I still got some nice shots of Gaspe in winter.

  • Abandoned House post Katrina
    • 7.2.2014
    • 1,588

    New Orleans

  • Welcome to Caladesi
    • 5.2.2014
    • 1,379

    Caladesi Island

    I am an island nut and like nothing better than discovering a relatively unknown one where the beaches are covered in real birds and not the wintering snowbirds from the north. Such a place is Caladesi Island from where you can see the towers of Clearwater. Read more here.

  • Vanishing Point 7 Mile Bridge
    • 4.2.2014
    • 1,817

    Pigeon Key

  • Approach to Bok Tower
    • 4.2.2014
    • 1,460

    Bok Tower

    On our most recent trip to Florida in November, 2013 we did a lot of gadding about and Bok Tower was one of the places we got to. Read my Trip Advisor review.

    • 2.2.2014
    • 1,483

    England 2010

    The Travel Media of Canada held its 2010 convention in Cardiff, Wales and afterwards I went on a short jaunt to the English Midlands. In Stratford we were treated to a wonderful performance of Romeo and Juliet at the very intimate Swan Theatre. In Birmingham we toured historic back to back houses and visited Cadbury […]

  • Entry Island community
    • 2.2.2014
    • 1,930

    Entry Island, Iles de la Madelaine

    I’ve always wanted to go to the Iles de la Madelaine or the Magdalens as most English speakers would say and a few years ago an assignment for Saltscapes took me there. I was specifically interested in the tiny community of English speakers who lived in splendid isolation on Entry Island. I think it was […]

  • Early autumn, St. Margarets Bay
    • 2.2.2014
    • 1,167

    Fall Colours

    I never get tired of the fall colours in St. Margaret’s Bay or the autumn sunsets which are the best of the year.

  • Sand and Pebbles at Lawrencetown
    • 2.2.2014
    • 1,661

    Eastern Shore 2012

    In August, 2012 my son Dale and I spent a week in an RV exploring Nova Scotia’s least visited area, the Eastern Shore and discovered that there is more than enough to keep one occupied for weeks in this coast inhabited by some of the friendliest people I have met in my travels. Read the […]

From the road